RUDISCO’s [ED] Piyush Samariya, along with the Sujangarh Nagar Parishad team, visited the 2.0 MLD (Million Liters per Day) sewage treatment plant (STP). The team conducted an in-depth inspection to observe the functioning of the treatment units and gain insights into the operational processes. During the visit, they closely examined the various stages involved in the sewage treatment process, ensuring an understanding of the technical aspects and efficiency of the plant.
Key activities during the visit included the collection of relevant data related to water treatment operations, such as influent and effluent quality, flow rates, and chemical dosages used in the process. The team also reviewed the plant’s operational flow chart, which outlines the step-by-step procedures of wastewater treatment. This includes the initial screening of solids, primary treatment, secondary biological treatment, and final tertiary treatment, ensuring that the effluent meets environmental standards.
The visit helped the team evaluate the current status of the plant, identify areas for improvement, and discuss the necessary steps to enhance the plant’s performance and compliance with regulatory norms. The feedback and data collected will be instrumental in planning further actions and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the sewage treatment process in Sujangarh.